AI Sentiment: Bullish
Reason: The merger between Grand Union and Longhurst to form Amplius Living is seen positively as it aims to create a larger, more efficient organization with improved capacity for investment and influence on national housing policy. The new entity is expected to have a stronger financial position and is committed to addressing housing needs and improving communities.

A significant merger has recently taken place in the UK housing sector with the completion of an amalgamation between two prominent housing associations, Grand Union and Longhurst. The newly formed entity is now known as Amplius Living.

The merger was designed to create a larger, more efficient organization that will be better positioned to provide high-quality homes and services to its customers. By joining forces, Grand Union and Longhurst believe they can improve their capacity for investment, deliver better value for money, and have a stronger influence on national housing policy.

Amplius Living aims to provide 2,500 new homes over the next five years, helping to address the UK's housing shortage. The new organization has also pledged to invest in existing homes and communities, with plans to improve energy efficiency, digital inclusion, and employment opportunities for residents. In addition, Amplius Living has expressed its commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion, with a focus on supporting the most vulnerable members of society.

Upon completion of the merger, Aki Ellahi was appointed as the Chair of Amplius Living, bringing a wealth of experience in the housing sector. Ellahi has stated that the new organization is "delighted to be able to bring our shared vision to life", expressing optimism for the future of Amplius Living.

The merger will also result in a stronger financial position for the organization, with an estimated turnover of £250m and a combined asset base of over £2bn. This financial strength is expected to provide greater resilience in a challenging economic environment and allow Amplius Living to continue investing in its social purpose.

Overall, the merger marks an exciting new chapter in the UK housing sector, creating a stronger, larger, and more influential organization that is committed to addressing housing needs, improving communities, and supporting vulnerable individuals.